Impurity Standards

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Product Current Lot. Unit Price In Stock Add to Cart
Ondansetron: Ondansetron Impurity C IMP/10/19 ₹29,500 Each Yes
Orphenadrine Hydrochloride: 2-Methylbenzhydrol (Orphenadrine Impurity A) IMP/43/16 ₹11,800 Each Yes
Oxacillin: (+) 6-aminopenicillanic acid (Oxacillin Impurity A) IMP/42/16 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Oxacillin: Oxacillin impurity C IMP/39/16 ₹29,500 Each Yes
Ondansetron hydrochloride: 2-methylimidazole (Ondansetron hydrochloride impurity) IMPM021 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Oxaliplatin: Oxalic Acid Dihydrate IMP/10/16 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Showing 16 to 30 of 609 (41 Pages)