IP Reference Substances

Please select the item from the list.

Product Current Lot. Unit Price In Stock Add to Cart
Ethamsylate IPRSE042 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Erythromycin Estolate IPRS/05/10 ₹5,900 Each No
Eberconazole Nitrate IPRSE025 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Estradiol Hemihydrate IPRSE011 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Ezetimibe IPRS/66/19 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Etoricoxib IPRSE043 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Etoposide IPRS/34/19 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Etophylline IPRSE040 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Etodolac IPRS/17/18 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Etidronate Disodium IPRSE006 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Ethyl Paraben IPRSE008 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Ethyl Vanillin IPRSE022 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Ethionamide IPRSE001 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Ethinylestradiol IPRSE044 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Ethambutol Hydrochloride IPRSE024 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Showing 1 to 15 of 684 (46 Pages)