IP Reference Substances

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Product Current Lot. Unit Price In Stock Add to Cart
Lenvatinib Mesylate IPRSL041 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Lithium Clavulanate IPRSL024 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Lactulose IPRSL004 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate IPRSO005 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Valine IPRSV006 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Tryptophan IPRST021 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Lysine Monohydrochloride IPRSL009 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Methionine IPRSM015 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Lysine Acetate IPRSL010 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Histidine Monohydrochloride Monohydrate IPRSH007 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Glutathione IPRSG006 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Alanine IPRSA015 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Arginine Monohydrochloride IPRSA016 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Leucine IPRSL008 ₹5,900 Each Yes
L-Phenylalanine IPRSP017 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Showing 1 to 15 of 687 (46 Pages)