IP Reference Substances

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Product Current Lot. Unit Price In Stock Add to Cart
Linezolid IPRSL014 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Lindane (Gamma Benzene Hexachloride) IPRSL020 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Lignocaine Hydrochloride IPRSL018 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Levosalbutamol Sulphate IPRSL022 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Levonorgestrel IPRSL051 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Levofloxacin Hemihydrate IPRS/50/19 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Levodopa IPRS/06/19 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Levocetirizine Hydrochloride IPRS/55/18 ₹5,900 Each No
Levetiracetam IPRSL027 ₹5,900 Each No
Levamisole Hydrochloride IPRS/33/19 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Leflunomide IPRSL001 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Lansoprazole IPRSL040 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Lamotrigine IPRSL013 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Lamivudine IPRSL016 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Labetalol Hydrochloride IPRS/36/19 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Showing 31 to 45 of 684 (46 Pages)