IP Reference Substances

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Product Current Lot. Unit Price In Stock Add to Cart
Risperidone IPRS/44/19 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Reserpine IPRS/17/17 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Remdesivir IPRS/75/20 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Prilocaine IPRS/44/16 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Prednisolone IPRSP077 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Pirfenidone IPRS/68/20 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Paroxetine Hydrochloride hemihydrate IPRSP072 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Parecoxib Sodium IPRS/33/16 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Paliperidone IPRS/40/17 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride IPRS/72/20 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Oxybutynin Chloride IPRS/70/18 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Olopatadine Hydrochloride IPRSO013 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Neotame IPRS/63/16 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Natamycin IPRS/10/19 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Nadifloxacin IPRS/73/20 ₹5,900 Each Yes
Showing 91 to 105 of 684 (46 Pages)